HOW TO: Increase Your Ecommerce Business Sales Using Facebook

Facebook ecommerce and advertising on Facebook are powerful ways to generate revenue and are an essential part of any ecommerce entrepreneur’s plan to grow a long-lasting online business.

With the tips below, you’ll be able to reach the right audience and generate more sales on the world’s largest social network.

Here are a few ideas on how to increase your ecommerce business’ sales using Facebook:


Using the information you learned from the links above, here are some additional tips that will help you get real results for your business Facebook page:

  • Keep your posts (and ads) short so people will read them.
  • Time your posts (and promotional posts) to coincide with when most of your fans are online and are checking Facebook.
  • Use that old 80/20 rule – post 80% content about things you think your fans will be interested in, and 20% content about your shop or products.
  • Limit your daily posts to 1-3 per day so you don’t inundate your fans and cause them to “unlike” your page.
  • By human! Facebook is used by people who want to interact with others, not just buy your products. Let your personality come through in your posts.
  • Be valuable! Provide information, assistance, and entertainment.
  • Be interesting! Don’t just post content related to your business. Get beyond a narrow band of subjects – think more broadly and take more chances. You can still remain on-brand and at the same time be more interesting.
  • Be thankful! Your curated content posts should include a link to your story’s source. This lets your readers learn more from the source, it sends traffic to the source as an act of gratitude, and it increases your visibility and popularity with bloggers and websites.
  • Be visual! Every post you create should contain a photo, graphic, or video for best engagement.
  • Be sly! Use clever post titles to grab your readers attention to your posts. Here is a link to “100 Clever Post Title Templates That Work” from TwelveSkip (scroll down the page to see the fill-in-the-blank title ideas).
  • Be found! Use two or three hashtags in your posts. Remember that the purpose of a hashtag is to help people share and find topics.
  • Engage your fans by talking with them. Every “like”, comment, message, post, or share by your fans will help you reach more people.
  • Make sure to share other people’s posts, leave positive and intelligent comments on the posts you see in your activity feed, and suggest resources and solutions where appropriate.
  • Use “mentions” to ensure the person or page you are posting about sees it. Just type @ followed by the person or page name to create a “mention”. For example, @Shopify or @TheDrawingBoard3

What tips do you have for using Facebook to increase your business? Share in a comment below.


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